
SOCAL Craft Beer

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広めたいのはSoCal (ソーキャル) の「精神的な豊かさ」

    南カリフォルニア ラホヤ デルマー サンディエゴ ロサンゼルス マリブ テメキュラ ワイン

    What is “SoCal”?

    “SoCal”とは、Southern California = 南カリフォルニアの略称です。

    日の光が降り注ぎ、ビーチでくつろぐ姿、爽やかな気候。 そう、ラテン気質な"SoCal"は、 「何もしない贅沢」が味わえる癒しの地。

    You Only Live Once(人生一度きり)の価値観や 「心の余裕」を大切にしたライフスタイルが根付き、 仕事よりも家族優先、何が起きても焦らない。

    そんな生き方を、日本でも実現できるように。 心が擦り減りがちな、日本社会で生きる人々へ 商品と共にリラックスできるきっかけをお贈りします。

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You Only Live Once 人生一度キリ

You Only Live Once

Beyond the bubbly and effervescent foam lies a world waiting to be discovered. You Only Live Once, life is a one-time deal, so let's enjoy our present moment to the fullest. Tomorrow, no one knows what the world will bring. Let's take a light step towards a fun-filled life, like the lively pop of a cork. Check out our YOLO products here!


The only thing in life that is given equally to everyone is "time". Having the luxury of spending time with someone you love, at your own pace, is the greatest luxury in life. Sometimes, forgetting everything else in daily life and sharing a sweet moment with just the two of you over a glass is a sign that your hearts are overlapping. Pour and savor the wine crafted with time and love. Check out our LOVE products here!


It's okay, it's okay. Even when you're tired and have had a bad day, look up at the sky and take a deep breath. Surround yourself with delicious food and friends, and with a glass in hand, laugh a lot. So, what will you have today? Let's take it slow and easy without rushing and enjoy the day in a way that is true to yourself, filling your heart with the rich aroma of relaxation. Just chillin'. Check out our RELAX products here!

