

デコイ カルベネソーヴィニョン / "Decoy" Cabernet Sauvignon

  • お得価格
  • 通常価格 ¥3,190
  • 入荷予定
税込価格。 送料は1万円以上のお買い物で送料無料 ※沖縄は割引



Cabernet Sauvignon 86%, Merot 14% アレキサンダー・ヴァレーの自社畑リッジライン・ヴィンヤードを中心に、モントレー、パソ・ロブレス、メンドシー ノの葡萄を使用。仏産樽約12ヵ月熟成(35%新樽) リリースしたてから美味しいみずみずしさを持ち、継ぎ目のないなめらかなタンニン、心地よい酸と余 韻。


Production Notes

Varietal Composition: 86% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Merlot
Winemaker Notes
From its aromas of vibrant red and blue fruit to its silky tannins and balanced acidity, this is a lush and alluring Cabernet Sauvignon. On the palate, rich flavors of raspberry, ripe plum and blueberry carry the wine to a long, luxurious finish, with nuanced hints of oak and sweet baking spices.
Throughout California, the 2019 growing season provided picture-perfect growing conditions. Following a cool, wet winter and spring, summer brought perfectly temperate weather that created exceptional flavor development in the grapes. Warm weather during harvest ensured ideal ripeness, resulting in dynamic whites with beautiful energy and complexity, and lush and flavorful reds with deep colors and lovely intensity.